Processors Ranking
Relative performance
More is better
Discover the best and fastest PC processors available with our detailed chart comparison. Our ranking system takes into account the latest desktop CPUs, comparing the speed of each one so you can make an informed decision when purchasing your next PC. Our chart includes a full list of the latest desktop PC performance from all major brands, such as AMD Ryzen and Intel Core, and benchmarks the speed of the latest AMD Ryzen vs Intel Core CPUs. Whether you use Windows or Linux, you can find out which processor is the best for your needs.
With our tier list of desktop processors, you can see how each one ranks from best to worst, taking into account both single-core and multi-core performance. Our PC processor hierarchy gives you an overview of the fastest to slowest options, so you can choose the processor that's right for you. The leaderboard ranking of PC processors of all types allows you to see which model is the most powerful and good enough to be in the top 10 desktop CPUs.
Find out which chip offers the best speed and how it ranks against other PC processors. Our chart also showcases the best PC CPU in its class (flagship high, low and mid-range), so you can choose the right processor for your needs. If you're looking for a processor that's equivalent or similar in performance to other desktop chips, our chart will help you make an informed decision. With a ranking of the latest generation flagship high-end and low-end PC chips by rating, you can stay up to date with the best options available.
With our comprehensive chart comparison, you can make a well-informed decision about which PC processor is right for you. Whether you're a gamer, a content creator, or just need a fast and reliable PC for everyday use, our chart will help you find the perfect processor for your needs.
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